The Elite Custom Look of Column Mounted Mailboxes

February 7, 2025

One’s residential mailbox should match the stature of the home, especially in circumstances when one’s estate features stately architectural features.

In applications such as these, homeowners should give serious consideration to choosing the elite, custom look of column mounted mailboxes. For those unfamiliar with column mounted residential mailboxes, they are much like the inner workings of outdoor BBQ grills, which are “inserted” into custom enclosures.

Column mounted mailboxes provide the actual mailbox body, which can be inserted into either an easy to install pre-manufactured surrounding (such as the stucco column designed for the Manchester column mount mailbox) or into a completely custom built surrounding.

In custom applications, the array of choices is myriad. Homeowners can select a surround for the column mount mailboxes that mirrors or complements their home’s architecture, or create a more avant-garde look by utilizing contrasting materials in the customized surround.

Regardless of the surroundings chosen, the first step in selecting a column mount mailbox for your residence is to consider the functionality you desire.  And deciding functionality is a fairly simply process as there are only two decisions to make:

  1. Mailbox Capacity – One needs to consider how much mail they typically receive. Standard sized column mounted residential mailboxes will handle most homeowner’s needs but larger mailboxes should be selected for homeowners who frequently vacation or have larger mail volume (such as home based businesses). Additionally, homeowners who require a secure location for package deliveries will want to select a larger sized column mount mailbox that can accept packages as well as daily mail.
  2. Mailbox Security – One should also look into column mounted locking mailboxes in order to prevent mail theft and identity theft. Most of today’s column mounted mailboxes offer secure locking solutions.

QualArc Manchester Mailbox Stucco ColumnRecessed Column Mount Mailbox Styles

Once mailbox capacity and security functions are selected, the next decision is much easier: mailbox style. As with wall and post mount mailboxes, column mounted residential mailboxes come in many attractive styles, finishes and shapes.

Streetscape Mailboxes – The Streetscape Gateway recessed mailbox and the Streetscape Courtyard column mount mailbox feature the timeless, maintenance-free look of polished antique patina brass in either a vertically or horizontally shaped rectangle.

Manchester Mailboxes – The Manchester mailbox insert is a column mount mailbox shaped in a gentle arch and is available in black, antique copper, or bronze, with three choices of adornment for the mailbox door.

Gaines Classic Mailboxes – The nearly square shape of the Gaines Classic faceplate column mounted mailboxes provide the widest choice in mailbox finishes and adornments as four colors (almond, black, white, and metallic bronze) can be all fitted with three different doors finishes (polished brass, antique bronze, and satin nickel).

The key to selecting the appropriate color for your residential column mount mailbox is to consider whether one wishes the mailbox to contrast or complement the surrounding structure. Yet, once a homeowner selects the functions they need and the finishes they desire, column mount mailboxes are easy to select and purchase.

The MailboxWorks, the nation’s leading retailer of residential mailboxes, offers the widest online selection of column mounted mailboxes and provides complimentary shipping to one’s home.

As with any new mailbox installation, one should always consult with their local postmaster for local guidance and mailbox installation requirements.

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